Leaving Zurich

DSC03919 by doodle_juice
DSC03919, a photo by doodle_juice on Flickr.

After 9 month I am leaving Zurich and heading back to UK. So it is goodbye to beautiful city lights, a picturesque countryside, trains that run on time and friends and colleagues who actually have lunch together. So why go back? Well, if you have a family and you don’t intend to bring them over then there isn’t much point spending your life in a service apartment. It’s a different working culture here, and it does take some getting used to it, but overall it was a pleasant experience.

Zurich is not cheap, and you have to earn a good rate to compensate for the expensive food and apartment. The restaurants are not as good as other places in Europe because for one thing the Swiss Government protects their own and there is less competition from outside.

It is a cultural city, and they do have some very nice customs and festivals here, so I do recommend it to visitors.

Tunisian doors

12doors by doodle_juice
12doors, a photo by doodle_juice on Flickr.

These doors are liked by most Tourists who visit Tunisia. They are a joy for anyone who likes colours. I think Abstract Expressionists would have had a field day with these!

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